Comparison of the High Temperature Oxidation Behaviour of 2.25%Cr and 9%Cr Boiler Steels in Laboratory and Plant Steam Environments for Improved Life Assessment
Abstract from Australasian Corrosion Association - Corrosion and Prevention Conference, Brisbane, 2013
A Czerwinski, Infracorr Consulting Pty Ltd
R Singh Raman, GHD Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia
Some main performance parameters assessed for concrete ICCP systems include:
Measuring reference electrode potentials during depolarisation to determine whether performance criteria in AS 2832.5-2008 are satisfied
Measuring outputs to the anodes at the junction boxes to ensure that the current outputs from the power supplies are evenly distributed across the individual anode feeds and ensuring the voltages across the anodes are not exceeding the maximum recommended voltage
This paper presents and reviews such ICCP monitoring information that has been collected over a five year period for two concrete systems on two distinct structures within the Port of Melbourne. This information is discussed in relation to the physical condition of the structures since installation of the ICCP system. Data including the current requirements is presented and analysed for the two assets as they have continued to receive protection over this time.
Design considerations to improve monitoring capability and efficiency for future ICCP systems are discussed including the appropriate frequency of monitoring for these systems. The value provided to the Port of Melbourne of undertaking adequate and regular ICCP monitoring is discussed with the aim to encourage other asset owners to monitor their ICCP systems to enable optimal protection of their structures. This paper presents the collective experience of an asset owner, contractor and consultant.