Bridge Repair, Protection and Strengthening Techniques of the Future

A Cheaitani, I Godson and K Campbell

1. Modern repeat, protection and strengthening techniques for concrete, timber and steel elements have taken a quantum leap in technology in recent years. This paper describes some of the advanced technology including:

- Cathodic Protection - Concrete and Steel Structures
- Realkalisation and Desalination - Concrete
- Composite Material Strengthening - Concrete, Steel, Masonry and Timber

 and their application to our ageing bridge stock. 

2. Electrochemical techniques, including cathodic protection, desalination and realkalisation have already been used extensively in Australia and this paper overviews these technologies. 

3. Composite material, such as carbon fibre and E-glass and Kevlar, have been used successfully in the aeronautical industry and have now been shown to have unique application in bridge strengthening and remain, ASR and corrosion containment. 

4. The paper illustrates various case studies and examples of the advantages of these modern techniques. 

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